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Write Now Philly: Interview and Review

A few months ago, I was thrilled to get an email from Grace Fisher, a Drexel University student double majoring in English and Dance. She asked to interview me about poetry and my most recent chapbook, Mid-Bloom, and we had a lovely conversation over iced coffee on a summer afternoon.

Grey box with a quote: "Just let the words spill out on the page-- because you can do something with it once you do that, you can't do anything with it when it's in your head."

​Write Now Philly is an online magazine run and staffed by Drexel University faculty and students. They are devoted to writing, books, literature, publishing, and the literary community, with a focus on the Philadelphia area.  I'm incredibly grateful to them, and to Grace in particular, for this interview and the kind review of my chapbook.

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